More Than Today's Banking System Bitcoin Energy Consumption Is Far More Efficient and Greener 

Bitcoin mining is certainly going green. Here are the reasons. Know all the details as supported by experts and industry giants.

More Than Today's Banking System Bitcoin Energy Consumption Is Far More Efficient and Greener 

Go Green With Bitcoin 

Currently, we are seeing that sceptics come to be spreading the fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) on that energy consumption proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrencies leverage thereby producing new units of currency whereas bitcoin, as well as many of those cryptocurrencies, have then gone up in value. Over the environmental cost of bitcoin just recently the software engineer Stephen Diehl expressed his dissatisfaction. Alongside the insurmountable cost to operate today’s banking system, however, cryptocurrency supporters believe Diehl failed to mention the amount of renewable energy used by a great number of mining facilities. 

A Fool’s Errand Is Bitcoin’s Waste Of Energy Argument  

Whether or not the consumption is efficient, the latest hot topic within the cryptocurrency industry is the topic of Bitcoin’s proof-of-work (PoW) energy consumption. Alongside software engineer Stephen Diehl’s recent critique of the network’s power consumption as the conversation was sparked by a number of articles published during the last year. 

Further explaining it was said that bitcoin economics comes to be as a pyramid-shaped investment scheme thereby backed by the collective delusion where value can be created out of nothing just by convincing greater fools to buy it after you do as besides the fact that Diehl considers is that the crypto asset comes to be a giant smouldering Chernobyl. 

He also doesn’t realise how Satoshi’s cryptocurrency network is more energy-efficient than most think as Diehl’s criticism toward Bitcoin’s energy consumption is filled with obvious fallacies. Which consists of a great number of terawatts dedicated to servers, branches, and automated teller machines as Diehl and many others also fail to recognise the cost to maintain today’s banking system. 

Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index Discrepancies

It comes to be that from the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI), it is most of the consumption data thereby stemming from that BTC network. Analysts and mainstream media reporters also reference the bitcoin energy consumption index as well interestingly enough. Having a very large discrepancy is unfortunately both CBECI and’s annualised consumption of terawatt per hour data. 

When it comes to the team, it is a team member from the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) where recently it was explained that the CBECI map is just not up-to-date and therefore will be updated in 2021, further we don’t even know how accurate the CBECI data is.

This may be entirely inaccurate this has led to numerous reports stating that China captures 65% of the bitcoin mining hashrate. China was steadily losing its concentration of bitcoin hashpower and the country dropped to 50% as in July 2020, a hashrate report written by Bitooda said. 

Over 75% of Cryptocurrency Miners Leverage Renewable Energy Sources As Studies Show

That much of the PoW mining industry uses renewable energy sources like hydropower, wind, solar and geothermal energy for instance the anti-bitcoin environmentalists do not weigh the fact. To power facilities across the world, there are a number of reports that show over 70% of crypto miners using a mix of renewable energy. Dedicated to energy cogeneration as well there are also abundant efforts. 

Indicating that 76% of digital currency miners use renewable power sources as the 2020 third Global Crypto asset Benchmarking Study by the University of Cambridge says. You can have this report from Deutsche Bank Research, the Chinese National Energy Agency, Morgan Stanley, and Coinshares to back up this data. Highlighting that 78% of bitcoin’s electricity usage is from renewables as the report comes from these four organisations. 

More than all of the financial systems on the planet, there are countless reminders and real-world examples of bitcoin miners using a far more efficient means of electric use. Detailing that Satoshi’s smiling because of the green energy use bitcoin miners use today was two years ago, Bill Tai an investor and board director of Bitfury. 

At the time Tai explained, at an accelerating rate it has been clear to him for years now that mining of Bitcoin and other proof-of-work-based cryptocurrencies are thereby driving what it a change coming to be positive in the underlying infrastructure of the energy production. He said the company has the policy to be green as we build as the investor was also the chairman of Hut8’s. The marginal costs of water, solar, and wind-based energy, Tai stressed as he detailed that the most efficient sources of electrical power are not fossil fuel-based in order to scale. 

The Insurmountable Cost Of The Modern Banking System Including Delivery Trucks, Servers, Branches, ATMs, 

Something that bitcoin naysayers never account for when they criticise the crypto’s energy consumption, then ultimately there’s the cost of the modern banking system. Using well over 140 TWh a year, there is a great number of articles and statistics that indicate the current banking system. Saying the energy conversation surrounding bitcoins is oversimplified was in one study, Katrina Kelly-Pitou a researcher who studies clean energy technology specifically the transition toward decarbonised energy systems. 

Bitcoin’s energy consumption isn’t as bad as you think furthermore as the researcher stressed that. Calling the comparison of bitcoin’s electrical usage to Visa’s, a complete fallacy was then the Hacker Noon contributor Carlos Domingo. He further said, start complaining about Xmas lights and stop complaining about Bitcoin. 

Lastly, Cancel Culture Pundits Want To ‘Criminalize Bitcoin’ Even Though ‘The Cost Of Bitcoin Mining Has Never Really Increased.’

Publishing a report which highlights that the cost of bitcoin mining has never really increased, this past October was the researchers Yo-Der Song and Tomaso Aste. The researchers still manage to estimate the lower bound for the global mining energy cost for a period of 10 years from 2010 to 2020 as in the paper this is where Aste and Song then explain the bitcoin network to be consuming a lot of energy. 

It is also free of rampant fraud and manipulation as well as it is clear that the bitcoin mining industry is not as wasteful as the current banking system filled with servers, ATMs, and branches.

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