Deciding To 'Pay It Forward' Was Popular Youtuber Ali Spagnola Who 'Accidentally Got Bitcoin Rich,'
Cryptocurrencies are being viewed as good investment vehicles. What do you need to know about it? More to know about the bitcoins in the market in this report.

Who Is Ali Spagnola?
After taking a request for her project called Free Paintings, on Wednesday the popular musician and Youtuber, Alicia Dawn “Ali” Spagnola made a new video and tweeted about how she got “accidentally bitcoin rich”. Spagnola said, that she just found
out that she is bitcoin rich and that it is her attempt to use it for joy after getting bitcoin in 2013 and checking her account eight years later.
With over 325,000 subscribers today, Ali Spagnola is a well-known artist, musician, and Youtuber. Consequently, it was explained how she accidentally got bitcoin rich just from an individual who then donated $50 in bitcoin to her in 2013 in one of her more recent videos. She tried to remember why she decided to take bitcoin donations back in 2013 a few months ago, Spagnola realised that her Free Paintings project website accepted bitcoin donations.
Where she takes requests via email so she can create a 12x12” acrylic painting for them, in 2008 the artist and Youtuber started her project Free Paintings. Sending the artwork in the mail for free as well, Spagnola has always created the artwork for free. Over the years people have donated money to her as well as to-date Spagnola has created 2,700 paintings for people. As the waitlist is reported to be over 1,300 individual long, she still does the Free Paintings project to this day whenever she has time.
What Does She Plan To Do With The Bitcoin She Received?
She realised that an individual convinced her on June 25, 2013, to accept the digital currency when Spagnola decided to look at her email inbox. That he would thereby pay her $50 in bitcoins for the interpretation of a bitcoin- a new virtual currency making
it super easy to send/receive money over the internet as the original email said.
In the video, she shared the picture of her artwork that she designed at the time as the individual convinced her and so Spagnola painted him a 12x12” bitcoin painting. It was well over $11k when Spagnola originally checked the exchange rate of bitcoin. The single bitcoin that the individual donated to her was worth $39k months later when Spagnola checked the exchange rate again.
He sent her a recent picture of the painting she made framed on his wall moreover as Spagnola connected with the individual that sent her the bitcoin. Starting a new project, the artist and Youtuber then decided to blast some of her bitcoin riches on lots of art supplies. Spagnola then was said to be doing a much larger bitcoin painting just to say thank you for her gift back in 2013 together with an expensive wood-backed canvas.
Thanking him for the bitcoin donation, Spagnola decided to create a new piece of art for the individual and met him in Las Vegas. Giving away $50 in bitcoin to ten people who commented on her recent Youtube video, the popular Youtuber has also decided to pay it forward.
How Are Youtubers Viewing The Crypto Asset?
Spagnola then said she started giving it away and then people started donating for it as the original point of her Free Paintings project is that she wants art to be for everyone, not just the elite.
Further stressing the popular Youtuber said,
Adding another layer is the bitcoin payment. The $50 painting, was it worth thousands? That is she giving him what is something worthless right now? In the future perhaps Youtuber’s works will be in museums?
In order to give him the newer and much larger painting then Spagnola travelled to Las Vegas to meet the individual who paid her in bitcoin back in 2013. He told her the original picture was one of his most prized possessions when she met the individual at a coffee shop.
She decided to pay it forward and do exactly what he did ten times additionally since Spagnola got so lucky. Spagnola declared on her channel that she will be giving $50 in bitcoin to ten random commenters on this video. Discussing the crypto-asset phenomenon on the video-sharing platform, Youtuber Ali Spagnola’s recent bitcoin video follows a number of other popular YouTubers.
Finally, Summing Up The Discussion
That he has been getting into cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and non-fungible token (NFT) asset games, Pewdiepie recently told his 107 million channel subscribers. Explaining that he invested over $100.000 in crypto assets was the renowned Youtuber Andrei Jikh publishing a video in November to his 978,000 subscribers. With that investment video, Jikh also said he plans to follow up.
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